Friday, March 2, 2012

Lone Wolf Goddess

On the day and appointed time I was to interview Annett, I reached her on her cell phone in her car. She had gone for a "nature drive", to get out of town and surround herself with forest and fresh air. "That's a wolf!" she said suddenly, and over the next few minutes she described to me how this animal appeared out of nowhere to stand first in front and then behind the car, to let her know its presence. We talked about how symbolic it could be when animals show up, and she later sent me a note letting me know that the wolf was a pretty perfect fit for her. When I looked it up, I had to agree. Deep faith, profound understanding, high intellect, loyal, generous, compassionate. Yes, those things definitely apply to Annett.

Born and raised in Calgary (as many of our Goddesses are, I am finding out!), Annett completed half of a psychology degree and spent 15 years doing office work before the appearance of an angel after being attuned to Reiki changed everything. It was as if she was woken up spiritually, and she began to change her life. "Dark Night of the Soul" is how she described the next seven years of her life, a necessary period in which she learned how to heal her body. Many (around 14) different courses and modalities were studied and explored, including Hypnotherapy, Reiki and Crystals.

Now her preferred healing method is a unique treatment called "Spiritual Response Therapy", which involves the use of a constantly moving pendulum that connects to the soul of the person being treated. It removes blocks, fears, negative beliefs, clearing and decording the individual. Annett uses her gift to channel readings from angels and guides. The effects and shifts can keep happening for up to two weeks afterwards.

We spoke briefly about how big a job it is for the Lightworkers to hold the vibration for the planet. Apparently it is quite common for these types of people to be single with no kids. Although she loves children and pets, it doesn't feel to her as if she is supposed to follow that path this time around.

What Annett is focusing on is teaching spirituality and teaching people how to heal themselves by connecting to their own higher power and angels. 2012 has been challenging so far, she says, it is as though we are going through a second dark night of the soul. It seems it is a full time job to be working on the removal of blocks and getting the higher self anchored into the physical body... a journey to complete wholeness, coming full circle to help others. Releasing the old, allowing and accepting the transition and massive awakening that is upon us.

She is a published author of “Kuthumi Speaks”, a book on how to master thoughts and create your reality. You can order your copy on Amazon here.

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